Archive for September, 2009

via Kelly Mingle the job search can be emotionally draining, even demoralizing at times. since June, i’ve had my share of ups and downs, but i’ve always tried to remain positive and keep myself busy. this article really stresses the importance of staying positive while on the hunt for a job. “We found it most […]

Via Design Glut i’m an avid reader of Grace Bonney’s work, mastermind of Design*Sponge, so i was thrilled to see Design Glut’s interview. here are two inspiring excerpts: What was the hardest part of getting to where you are now? Figuring out what I was good at. It was a hard realization to face the […]

via Unclutterer Dedication. Searching for a job is my full-time job. I have set hours for when I’m at my desk researching, corresponding, interviewing, and pursuing leads. This week I’m on target to work 40 hours at it. A job isn’t going to fall in my lap — I have to go after it. I […]

A Clip-and-Save Renaissance, via the New York Times i’m not entirely convinced that coupons are “cool” again, but getting $160 groceries for $30 is pretty impressive. Check out Red Plum,, and Select Coupon Program to jump on the bandwagon.

i can’t stop watching and laughing. via core77

The Illustrator Project is a collective of emerging and established illustrators, artists, and designers for hire. Their blog is pretty awesome, too.

via GOOD Let’s face it. “Innovation” feels like a relic of the industrial era. And it just might be the case that instead of chasing innovation, we should be innovating innovation — that innovation needs innovation. amen. read on for more insight on obsolescence, ethical production, and love.

what can i say? i’m a product of my mom and she has instilled in me a vague obsession for good manners. hence, i was more than thrilled to see this post on swissmiss! #8 is completely true; you can never underestimate the power of body language: Look for body language. If you pay attention […]

NYT rundown


another rundown of articles, this time from the New York Times. Subtle Cues Can Tell an Interviewer ‘Pick Me’ Body language is also important, Ms. Hodas says. She is looking for an assured but not overly casual demeanor, along with good eye contact. She is also looking for people who can enunciate their words (mumblers […]

this is an oldy, but a goody… and always welcome advice for any struggling ID-er who loves typography (and just isn’t sure what to do about it). i think my project for the day will be going over my portfolio with a fine-toothed comb to see if i’ve made any of these mistakes! 10 Common […]